COFCO International's Sugar Mills Champion Water Reuse for Sustainability
At COFCO International’s sugar mills and sugarcane plantations in Brazil, recycling water extracted during the processing of sugarcane allows the company to reduce its overall water intake by up to 15%.
“These systems differentiate us on sustainability and our competitors are already looking to follow our lead,” explains Marcelo Sper Cavalli, Engineering Project Manager, COFCO International Brazil.
With sugar operations representing the largest water footprint of the company’s operations (approximately 72% of total water intake), reducing water use at its four sugar mills in Brazil is a priority for the business. In 2023, water withdrawal among these mills and its sugarcane plantations decreased by 12% compared to 2022. The company’s on-site wastewater treatment plants, along with its vinasse concentrators play a big part in this.
Looking ahead, the company plans to further improve its water reduction, particularly as its overall water needs may increase as production rises.
The company also expects these new water reduction initiatives to significantly reduce reliance on truck and tractor use for vinasse distribution, with material savings in diesel fuel and related transport GHG emissions.
“I’m proud to be part of a team protecting the environment and ensuring the sustainability of COFCO International” concludes Cavalli.

Marcelo Sper Cavalli, Engineering Project Manager, COFCO International Brazil

Sugar operations represent the largest water footprint of the company’s operations.